Liberty Revealed

What is Liberty Revealed?



Hello and welcome to Liberty Revealed. I am your host, Mike Mahony. this is an introduction episode aimed at setting the stage for what you can expect from the show going forward. I believe defining terms is important when entering into a discussion and a podcast about liberty is no different. Liberty is defined as the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views. It can also be defined as the power or scope to act as one pleases. I want to introduce you to liberty in depth. Every episode of this show will have personal liberty as its driving force. What does personal liberty mean anyway? I live my life by the philosophy of personal liberty. I believe my rights end where your rights begin. I believe I can do whatever I would like in the privacy of my own home. As soon as I am in a position to come into contact with you, I must modify my behavior so as not to infringe upon your rights. A great way to think about personal