Liberty Revealed

LR05: Crime and Punishment



Welcome back everyone! Today I want to talk to you about an important topic in society--crime and justice. I will likely be presenting a perspective that you may not agree with, but I have a strong argument to support my perspective. One of the biggest problems facing society today is that many things that should not be considered crimes are labeled as crimes. Worse yet, many of these actions are punished more harshly than are violent crimes. This has evolved over time as society has gotten more and more irritated by where society is headed. I believe that the label of “crime” should be limited to actions of force or fraud against another individual or group. To me, that is what defines a crime. I believe that such crimes should be prosecuted and punished by our justice system but that actions that don’t involve force or fraud should not be criminalized or penalized in the first place. I believe all laws that create crimes without a victim should be repealed. Only actions which infringe upon the rights of oth