Liberty Revealed




Welcome back to the podcast where liberty is front and center always. Today I want to blow your mind with a discussion about education and why I believe a free-market education system is best for parents and students. For those of you who are just discovering this show, I am Mike Mahony and my goal is to educate you on the issues that are important to our society. I comem at things from a Libertarian perspective because I believe that is the most reasonable perspective. Today the US Department of Education utilizes a one size fits all education approach. This is holding back our children. The truth is that every single child is different and their communities are also very different. This is a great place to start. It is my belief that we should abolish the United States Department of Education. It really does not serve the citizens well because it truly believes in the one size fits all mentality. As mentioned, each child is different...every community is different. Education that is successful has to meet t