Liberty Revealed




Welcome back to Liberty Revealed. I’m your host, Mike Mahony, and today I want to discuss an issue we’ve heard a lot about since Obamacare was put into effect--healthcare. To many, health insurance is a right. I do not agree with that statement even a little bit. I want to explain to you how the healthcare industry could be profitable and yet costs for that healthcare could be reduced. The answer is actually simple. Libertarians believe that healthcare prices would decrease and quality and availability of healthcare would increase if providers were freed from government meddling and control. By removing government interference and enabling the free market to work, healthcare prices would come down and the quality of healthcare would increase. Currently our government controls healthcare in many ways: Government and a handful of insurance companies have a virtual monopoly as payers. Because of this, they make most of the decisions about what kinds of healthcare are available. Government regulates where, when,