Liberty Revealed

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Welcome back to another episode of Liberty Revealed with me, your host, Mike Mahony. Today I want to follow up some more on the leadership issues raised in Episode 10. I spent the last 90 minutes speaking with a friend, Chuck McGlawn, about the liberty movement. Chuck disagrees with my stance in Episode 10 regarding Libertarian Leadership, but he brought out some good points I felt needed to be added to the last discussion, so here I am to add those and explain my own take on them. Chuck relayed a story to me about his introduction to the Libertarian Party and how he helped out in many ways and they liked his ideas, yet nobody once asked him to join the party. His point seems to be that it is difficult to truly grow the movement when the members themselves spend all their time talking to each other and not recruiting new members. I believe this is the same problem candidates have with raising money for their campaigns. They need to learn to ask for the donation. The Libertarian candidates I’ve come in contact