Liberty Revealed

Is the Libertarian Party More of a Political Cult?



Welcome back to another episode of Liberty Revealed with me, your host, Mike Mahony. Today I want to talk to you about a realization I’ve had. In recent episodes, we discussed the leadership issues I see with Libertarians. Today's topic is an extension of that topic. Today I ask the question “Is the Libertarian Party just a big political cult?” Allow me to delve into this so you can understand where I am coming from. To my way of thinking, the purpose of a political party should be to get candidates into office who mostly agree with the party’s ideology. The goal shouldn’t be to find someone who matches our particular personal ideology. I don’t believe any one person agrees completely with the party they belong to. Show me a Democrat, Republican or Libertarian who claim to agree 100% with their party and I will show you a liar. There are many reasons people choose to belong to a particular party. If you have a litmus test for them that involves them agreeing completely with you on the issues, you’re litmus te