Liberty Revealed

Ray Denaro, Republican for 47th New York Assembly District



Mike opens the show introducing his guest, Ray Denaro. Ray is a candidate for the New York Assembly, 47th District. Ray ran for City Council in New York in 2017. Mike mentions Ray wrote an article about why he switched from a registered Democrat to a registered Republican. Ray says he was inspired to run for assembly because he is a community advocate and he feels there is a need for change in Brooklyn. He mentions “the zombie vote” where Democrats take hold of a seat and hold on to it forever. This happens because there are more Democrats than Republicans by a count of 6 to 1 in his district. He is 28 and has lived in his district his entire life. Ray's platform involves community. He is concerned that the community aspect is now missing. The local politicians are not paying attention to the community. Sports programs have dwindled. He sees some negative change having taken place. Mike mentions his kinship with Ray due to having run for office multiple times. Mike asks how he felt when the results came throu