Cottage Garden Party

Episode 34 - Cottage to Cottage with David Culp and November



David Culp is a man who imagines the possibilities in the garden has a passion for this earth. He is a lover of Cottage Gardening.  The Layered Garden was his first book and now, a Year at Brandywine Cottage. I reviewed this book on my blog. You can read it by clicking here My co-host Peggy Riccio and I went to visit David in his garden in August. The beauty was absolutely amazing and better than the photo's in the book. It was a terrific day in the midst of a pandemic. I recently spoke to David as we begin to embrace November. With two seasons to go, A Year at Brandywine Cottage really is an unexpected gift to gardeners anywhere. David is delightful and I hope you enjoy our chat.  As we transition from season to season, leaves remind us that we are leaving one season and anticipating the next one. A poem about leaves from Elsie N. Brady called Leaves seemed only appropriate. I ask that you follow me... Https:// and Twitter: @cottageincourt...Facebook: CottageInT