Yogi Misfit Sessions

Yogi Misfit Sessions: S53 Adell Bridges



A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of hosting Adell Bridges at my home. She’s been living as a nomadic yoga teacher since January 2017. That’s almost 2 years on the road. In that time she’s lived and taught all over the world and called everywhere, ranging from India to London to Nicaragua, her temporary home.The Instagram posts can make it seem like the most glamorous lifestyle in the world. But that’s far from true. In this session, we break down the pros and cons of being a nomadic yoga teacher. Nothing is held back and no topic is off limit. Listen and you’ll find out what I mean.On a personal note, I just want to say thank you to Adell. She came into my life at the exact moment I needed her. I had been having a shitty week, but meeting and connecting with her reminded me that whatever dreams I have, I can make them real. Although we had just met, it seemed like I’d known her for years. So shout out to Adell, thanks for coming on the podcast and hope to see you soon.As always, shout out to our f