Pageant Planet

How to Win National American Miss



Michaela Abelgas is the reigning National American Miss andscored a perfect score in interview. If you want to succeed at NAMlisten to this podcast to learn how. Want a preview? Here are some of the questions that we askedher:How did you mentally prepare to compete on the nationalstage? What tips do you have for others to mentally prepare?Do you tend to get nervous before competing? What tips do you have for girls to help them calm theirnerves? What do you do just before going on stage to get you pumped up andready?What is your advice to girls on choosing their eveninggown? What about modeling pace and eye contact? Are there certain styles/colors that tend to do well? What are the judges looking for?Give us a quick overview of the personal introduction. What keypoints should be included in the intro? What is the best way to catch the attention of the judges duringthis area of competition? You had a perfect NAM interview score! How can someone impress thejudges in such a short amount of time? What is the best