Pageant Planet

How to Prepare For and Win Pageant Interview



I’m very excited about today’s call. We have on the phone, Kourtney Mag-nes, who was recently crowned 2016 -17 Miss Texas for National Elite Pageants and she will go on to compete at the 2017 National Elite Pageant! Kourtney has 10 years of pageant experience and has also competed in the USA system and is a former 2013 Miss Houston USA where she went on to place in the top 15 at Miss Texas USA. She is joining us today to share her tips and advice on preparing for pageant interview! Kourtney welcome to the call! How early in advance do you start interview prep?  Where do you start? Do you find it beneficial to write down possible questions or make lists?  What is your strategy? What topics do you focus on when preparing for interview? Have you done mock interviews?  If so, do you feel they are beneficial? What have you found to be the best resources for preparing for the interview portion of the competition? How do you manage pre-interview jitters? Is there anything you do that helps calm your nerves