Side Hustle Teachers

Thinking of Yourself as an Expert When You Don’t Feel Like One



When people come to me for help choosing their side hustle, I usually ask them “what are you awesome at?”, or “what are you an expert at?”.  Teachers have a hard time identifying themselves as an expert in anything because they put a lot of pressure on the word expert. Today, we are talking about how you can start thinking of yourself as an expert, even if you don’t feel like one yet.  Expert is a big word. We put a lot of meaning behind this one little word. There are so many teachers I know that have amazing skill sets and could do amazing things out there with their side hustle but they won’t take that first step because they wont allow themselves to think they might be an expert.  I am going to take you through a few steps today on how you can start shifting your mindset to start thinking of yourself as the expert that you really are.  I hear a lot of teachers say to me “I’m not an expert, it’s just easy”. The thing is we often don’t see our own super powers, the things we are really great at because they