Doctor Who: Podshock

222 - Doctor Who: Podshock



Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 222 Running time: 1:50:32 Interview with Yee Jee Tso (Chang Lee in the 1996 movie), Tara Wheeler talks about tracking down David Tennant, Billy Davis files a report from Dragon*Con with Frazer Hines, Doctor Who: The Forgotten Army and Doctor Who: Podshock in New York City, join us for the next 25th anniversary event for the Gallifreyan Embassy, and more. Dedicated to the memory of David Jennings ("Adric Antfarm"). Hosted by Louis Trapani, Ken Deep, with Tara Wheeler. Presented to you by the Gallifreyan Embassy and is a production of Art Trap Productions. This podcast is made possible in part by and is brought to you by Podshock Supporting Subscribers and from donations from listeners like you. This episode is also brought to you by Audible. Visit for your FREE audio-book download with free trial. Do you need the MP3 file format? Get our MP3 version of this episode using our MP3 dedicated feed at