Omnistar Beacon

The 3 Profits of the Income Statement, Do you know them? (EP08)



THE 3 PROFITS of the INCOME STATEMENT…do you know them? Yes, understanding Financial Statements is an essential business skill. In this Podcast we continue our deconstruction, decoding and deciphering of the key financial statements. Last episode we dug into the Balance Sheet. I hope you found that episode insightful. If you haven’t heard it yet no worries, check it out when we finish here! This Episode is about the INCOME STATEMENT. The Income Statement goes by many other names and aliases, Profit and Loss Statement, the P&L, Revenue Statement, Statement of Financial Performance, Earnings Statement or Statement of Earnings, Operating Statement, or Statement of Operations…geeezzzz, enough already, if one name wasn’t hard enough to remember. I’ll stick with calling it an Income Statement, but my lenders and banker’s always ask me for our P&L. Of all the financial statements this is the one you are probably most aware of and check because is contains one number everyone wants to know…. THE BOTT