Talking Financial Literacy Podcast,

Talking Fin Lit Ep. 13 Managing Your Money: Ms. Joan Sabella, Email:



Financial insider Ms. Joan Sabella sits down with Mark Gura to discuss how people can wisely and astutely manage their money, and make financial decisions. In this essential episode about personal finance literacy, topics range from credit card choices and use, and benefits of budgets, to mutual funds and risk tolerance surveys. Ms Sabella is the Managing Director of the MainStay Balanced Fund since 1989 and been with NY Life and Management LLC since 2000. Resources in this episode include resources for empowering women in finance, risk tolerance calculators and credit card comparison sites. We predict you may want to share this with the people you care about- a warm, friendly conversation enlightening us about critical financial issues. Always filled with resources and lively discussion, The Talking Financial Literacy Podcast. Join hosts Mark Gura and Dr. Kathleen P. King (Kathy) for another episode of this series which provides professional development and resources for educators, students and lifelong lear