Inner Buddhas Zen Entrepreneur

Episode 11 : You Can Have Both, The Dream Career & Dream Life with Guest Ashleigh Schofield



This is a very special episode, for two reasons 1) The number 11 for me has a great significance.  To me the number 11 signifies standing at the gates of change. 1 by itself signifies new beginnings. When the angels send you messages containing Master Number 11 the Angels are sending you inspiration and encouragement step onto the spot light in ways that will help all of humanity. Which is exactly what I am doing here with this podcast.  Reason # 2) Today we are having our first guest on the show Ashleigh Schofield here to talk about her journey of becoming a Spiritual mentor coach align teacher & intuitive healer. I always get inspiration from those who are just a couple steps ahead of me. I am always curious how they find balance in their work and home life to continue on down their business path with ease. Now is my opportunity to talk to someone who has created her own business from her heart and soul. Authentic to who she is and what her mission is.  We will get to learn what she ha