Inner Buddhas Zen Entrepreneur

Episode 33: The Answer to Overcoming Fear



Today's episode I share with you all that I have learnt to be true about overcoming fear, and the affects fear has in your life.  We explore how fear can really influence our lives, and if we are not careful how fear can run our lives. **************************************************************************************************************************************** Overcome Fear with the following exercise:  Exercise To Breakthrough the Barriers of Fear. STEP 1) To begin, when you notice fear is creeping up. I want you to Pause right there for just a minute. Right where you are. (Usually this is when you are faced with big decisions in your life, or changes coming up.) It is time to check in with your body and try and see what this fear is telling you, where is it leading you? STEP 2) Tune into, How does this fear feel, in your body? Where, do you feel it in your body? How intense was this fear? Where does this fear originate in your life? When was the first time you felt this fear? What wa