Sustainable Nano

Ep 8. How Nanomaterials Can Build Better Bikes



On this episode of the Sustainable Nano podcast, we talk about one example of how nanotechnology is changing something many people use every day: bikes! Margy Robinson, a graduate student in the Center for Sustainable Nanotechnology and a competitive cyclist, explains how carbon nanotubes and graphene are currently being incorporated into some high-end bicycles. Floyd Landis racing on a carbon fiber bike in 2006  (photo by Michael David Murphy)   For more information, check out Margy’s blog posts on this topic:  Nanomaterials in Bicycles???? Part 1 and  Part 2. Want more podcast episodes? You can find them all on our podcast page, or you can subscribe on  iTunes or  Stitcher. You can also find us on the National Science Foundation’s Science360 Radio network. ABOUT THIS EPISODE Related links : CNT Infused Carbon Fiber in Bicycles Center for Sustainable Nanotechnology Interviewee :  Margy Robinson Producer/Narrator : Miriam Krause