Sustainable Nano

Ep 24. Using MRI technology to study nanoparticles



How do we "see" nanoparticles when they're too small to view with a normal microscope? In this episode we interview Kelly Zhang, a graduate student in the Center for Sustainable Nanotechnology who recently published a paper about a new way to use NMR technology (like MRI for chemistry) to study the behavior of molecules that form a shell on diamond nanoparticles. We also talk about how watching anime as a kid inspired Kelly to become a chemist. Kelly Zhang and a model of a polymer-wrapped diamond nanoparticle like the ones studied in her recent article (image adapted courtesy of Author Choice license from the American Chemical Society) Want more podcast episodes? You can find them all on our podcast page, on spotify, or you can subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher. #### **ABOUT THIS EPISODE** Related links: Kelly Zhang Zhang Y., Fry C., Pedersen J., & Hamers R. Dynamics and Morphology of Nanoparticle-Linked Polymers Elucidated by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89(22) 1239