Dc's Legends Of Tomorrow Talk Podcast - Dclegends Talk

DC LEGENDS Talk Podcast #8 - S 1 Ep 7 MAROONED



Vandal Savage's trail goes cold, and Rip is unable to track it without an upgrade to Gideon's software. The team receives a distress call from another time ship, the Akeron, so Rip decides to chart a course for the disabled ship to steal their current A.I. software. Rip, Dr. Stein, Jefferson, and Mick board the Akeron. Everyone but Stein are captured by time pirates, who want the Waverider. The pirate captain attempts to board the Waverider, but Rip initiates protocols on the Waverider to protect it. As such, the pirates fire on the Waverider, damaging the hull. Sara and Snart attempt to fix the hull but get locked in the engine room, where the air is slowly leaking out. As Stein rescues the others, Ray flies into space to repair the hull from the outside. Meanwhile, Mick betrays the team and leads the pirates to the Waverider. Rip and the others retake the Akeron, while Sara and Snart stop Mick and the pirates on the Waverider. The Akeron's captain thanks Rip by providing the needed upgrade for Gideon and a