Heroes Garage

Ep. #07 Comic Book Reviews



What’s in your stack: Tom’s Mighty Thor #700-703. Jason Aaron, writer; Russell Dauterman, art; Mathew Wilson, colors; Joe Sabino, letters. Rumble 1 & 2 John Arcadi, writer; David Rubin, artist; Dave Stewart, colors; Joe Sabino, letters Mr. Miracle 1-6 Tom King and Mitch Gerard’s Ice cream; Maxwell Prince and Martin Morazzo, Black Hammer #1-5 Jeff Lemire and Dean Ormston and Dave Stewart. Doomsday Clock #3 Joeff Johns and Gary Frank. Abbott #1 Saled Ahmed, Sami Kivela, Jason Worde. Metal #5 Snyder and Capullo. Days of Hate Kot, Zezelj, and Jordie Bellaire. Redneck #9 Danny Cates and Lisandro Estherren. Tom’s pick of the month The Flash Annual #1 80 Williamson and Porter. The Flash #39 (#700) Joshua Williamson, Carmine, Di Giaminco and Steve Wands. Second place in Tom’s stack. Royal City #9 85 Jeff Lemire Monstress #13 Avengers #676 & 677 & 678 75 Zub, Waid Hulk 712 Pak & Land. Infinity GN Jonathan Hickman. Elephantmen #80 75 Richard Starkimgs and Axel Medellin. Black Mag ---