Heroes Garage

Godzilla King of Monsters Movie Review



  Welcome to Heroes Garage where every week we discuss superheroes, science fiction, and fantasy TV shows, Movies, and comic books.  Best of - trailer talk: IT2, Joker, Rambo Last Blood.  Black Widow solo movie occurs before Infinity War in the MCU timeline.  Supergirl starts filming DC movie Q1 2020 New Gods: Tom King posts a picture of himself and Ava Duvernay - Tom King wrote a 12-issue maxi titled Mr. Miracle, which involved the New Gods. To understand New God’s you need to understand something DC Comics calls “The 4th world.” This is a catch-phrase that captures worlds like New Genesis, Apokolips, and the New God’s that live on them. Like Granny Goodness, Darkseid, Orion, and the Highfather. And, of course there is Granny’s “Female Furies” in training who are on Apokolips. Big Barda is the most famous of The Female Furies and she is the wife of Scott Free, Mr. Miracle. She is big, strong, and interesting.  It’s official: Robert Pattinson is Batman Batman Poll: 1. Bale - Dark Knight 2. Arnet - Lego Batman