Heroes Garage

E3 Conference News & Watchman Graphic Novel Review



Welcome to Heroes Garage, this is a weekly podcast where we discuss science fiction, fantasy, and superhero TV shows, movies, comic books, and video games News & Notes The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 news from E3 Article discussion: Xbox’s Matt Booty on Studio acquisitions and making game pass valuable form  gamespot.com.https://www.gamespot.com/articles/xboxs-matt-booty-on-studio-acquisitions-and-making/1100-6467793/ Q: How would the Xbox Game pass expand the audience for particular games? How do you deliver players to the game?   Q: Matt Booty identifies the strategy: Provide a steady stream of new games. What games would draw you into game pass? Q: How does a game pass (like Netflix) make the product more valuable Q: The way the industry measures game success has changed from counting units sold to connecting to a larger audience through subscriptions. How could Xbox grow the amount of subscribers?  Halo Infinite: 500million- rumored Red Dead: 7 years of production. Plus mar