Sex Manswers

Women: How To Hit Your Sexual Peak Sooner and Make It Last Longer



On this episode I talk about hitting your sexual peak sooner and making it last longer. The first thing you have to realize is that it is partly mindset. It's mindset to stop being concerned about how or what people think but also about being intentional with your sex life and marriage. Just like you're intentional with your money and career you have to be intentional with your sex life and marriage. Part of being intentional means being willing to research, experiment, and spend money on ways to improve your sex life and marriage. I have never once known a woman to complain about having too many orgasms or complain that sex is just too good, that means no matter how good sex is now there is always room for making it better but that won't happen by accident or without thought and planning. As your sex life improves in the bedroom, your marriage will improve out of the bedroom as well. Submit your response to taking this show to video format Here Submit a Voice Message to the show Here Follow Me | Facebook| T