Love Or Work

Co-Owners, Work Travel and Imperfection | Liz & Ben Bohannon



Liz and Ben Bohannon are co-founders of Sseko Designs. They work side by side every day. We can all imagine the challenges that come with that. Liz and Ben share about the balance to turn work off, while keeping an openness to “have a work thought.” They share rhythms they have found helpful when travel separates them. Welcome to the Love or Work Podcast, hosted by Andre Shinabarger (Physician Assistant, Grady Hospital) and Jeff Shinabarger (Social Entrepreneur and Founder of Plywood People). They are asking the question: Is it possible to change the world, stay in love and raise a healthy family? 100 interviews where Jeff and Andre learn from other working families in the journey of marriage, purpose and parenting. Follow Sseko: Love or Work is a project of Plywood People. Plywood is a non-profit in Atlanta leading a community of start-ups doing good.