Love Or Work

Enneagram and Choosing No Kids | Phileena + Chris Heuertz



In this episode of Love or Work, we have the opportunity to learn from Chris and Phileena Heuertz, Founders of Gravity, a center for contemplative activism. Chris helped launch South Asia’s first pediatric AIDS care home — creating a safe haven for children. Phileena has spent her life doing social justice work among the world’s poor. As a couple, Chris and Phileena served with the Word Made Flesh community for nearly 20 years, working for women and children victimized by human traffickers in the commercial sex industry. Then in 2012, they founded Gravity. This duo has devoted their lives to others, and they share about making the choice to not have children. It wasn't a decision made out of selfishness; it was a decision made over years, full of hard conversations, grief and so much more. Also, in this episode, we get into the Enneagram! Chris is the author of the Sacred Enneagram, so we had to dive in with an expert. Phileena, who wrote Mindful Silence, helps us understand the importance of mediation and co