Love Or Work

To those in the Beginning | Sarah Linebaugh + Nick Rivero



Meet Sarah Linebaugh and Nick Rivero former art-school student and roadie, creators of the company MEPTIK - creating experiences that drive human connection. This podcast is for all the beginnings. For the beginning of adulthood, the beginning of marriage, the beginnings of a family, and more. For Sarah and Nick, their beginnings seemed to begin all at the same time. Having only a few years of marriage under their belts, while also being in the beginning stages of launching their company, they began to start to ask themselves the question “When is the right time to have a baby?“. But before they could answer that question, Sarah was in labor, and Nick was juggling the weight of the company on his shoulders.Join us as we walk through all the firsts with Sarah and Nick and learn more about navigating through seasons that feel at times feel impossible.To learn more: to the Love or Work Podcast, hosted by Andre Shinabarger (Physician Assistant, Grady