Connie Pheiff Show

How to Impress: You've got 7 seconds... make them count!



Connie Pheiff explores with Sylvie di Giusto how people whom you meet make quick decisions about you. People quick decide if they will vote for you, Buy something from you? Trust you? You have only 7-seconds to help them decide. This is that brief moment in time when others first see you, or your employees, whether its at a meeting, on the job, or at an interview.It happens in theblink of an eye. Like it or not, you are going to be judged. You are doing the same: You judge others, too. But can we trust these snap judgements?Sylvie works with leaders and organizations from around the world who place great importance in themselves and their reputation. She helps them to explore how people make up their minds quickly about them, their leadership potential, and either open the door for them or slam it shut.