Wilde About Wellbeing

You Need to Learn the Science of Tracking: Here's How It Works



I WAS CONVINCED I WAS A WEIGHT LOSS SCIENTIFIC ANOMALY. I wasn’t.  And you’re probably not either, love: you’re just UNIQUE. How often do people tell you to do this to release weight, or do that, or do the other? How often have you see things touting GUARANTEES?!  Yup, a lot, right?! And nothing’s working for you either, love? Well. Here’s what worked for me. TRACKING. It sounds boring, doesn’t it? Calories in. Calories out. Weight. Full disclosure: I also track my macros and hours in keto (through intermittent fasting). You learn what to track - calories in vs calories out didn’t work for me, so then I started tracking macros (carbs, protein, fat). That was the breakthrough for me. Every habit is a SCIENCE. Figure out what makes it better, and do more of that. Figure out what makes it worse, and do less of that. ⛔️ This latest podcast is all about how tracking has worked for me - and some of the pitfalls to avoid!     ⠀ Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts