Cottage Garden Party

Episode 32 - Autumnal Bliss, Conversations with Rob Cardillo, and Robert Frost



Picture a walk in the woods at this time of the year. Noticing the leaves that have fallen from the trees above. In the quiet of the morning, I consider the sound of the leaves gracing the grounds a song to greet the day. Like colorful chimes releasing kisses to make the walk quite the pleasure. I have to catch myself as I lift my head to receive each and every one. To read my reflections on the kaleidoscope of color, click here. Rob Cardillo - Photographer Extraordinaire. If a book on gardening has photography that elevates your emotions, it is most likely captured from the lens of Rob Cardillo. While the horticultural community is quite familiar with Rob, allow me to share his words. It was an honor to speak with him and I cannot wait to meet him.  To find out more about Rob, click here A poem - Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost...truly captures my heat at this time of the year. I ask that you follow me... Https:// and Twitter: @cottageincourt...Facebook: Cottag