Yoga Entrepreneur Secrets

02: Long-Term Success Hinges On This One Thing



In this episode, we are going to talk about the one thing in the past 15 years of doing work in the yoga industry, that we attribute to our success. When we started our yoga studio in 2005, our classes were hot, but we didn’t have a system. We were both consistent in the sequences we were teaching, but one of our teachers was always doing things differently, which became a huge problem later on. Over time, we realized that we needed to develop a framework that we would be consistent with, to ensure sustainable success for the studio, and that led us to greater heights that we ever thought possible. Listen in to learn all the tips we have to share on that. Key Points Discussed: Staying in business through the ups and downs of the economy (00:49) Sticking to a framework leads to specific results (03:18) A teacher-based studio versus a class-based studio (05:44) Inconsistency breeds distrust (09:23) Holding the vessel of the class that people come in to experience (11:09) -- If you haven't already, be sure to