Yoga Entrepreneur Secrets

03: We Weren't Good Enough to Teach



In this episode, we are going to talk about how we felt we were not good enough to successfully run a yoga studio. All that stemmed from the fact that we weren't born into this, we weren't natural yogis, and we weren't natural business owners, so our confidence in ourselves was pretty low in the beginning. Chris will talk about his struggle with feeling inadequate to give you a clear picture of what it’s like, and he’ll also tell us how he overcame it so you can hopefully apply the same towards achieving your yogi business owner goals. Enjoy! Key Points Discussed: Chris’ challenges growing up (01:01) Developing self confidence and self certainty (03:19) The first teacher training experience (10:14) Becoming a function of being willing to go into the fire (12:31) Learning while being in the process of being a leader (12:50) The cornerstone of our success (14:36) Being pulled by the bigger mission to expand yourself (16:45) -- If you haven't already, be sure to join our Facebook Group! This is where we are di