Yoga Entrepreneur Secrets

32: What Is Yoga Alliance? Is There Any Value In Joining? Do Studios Care That You're An RYT?



In this episode, John and Chris will discuss the real role of the Yoga Alliance to clear up a general false perception within the yoga community about it. When yoga teachers and schools register themselves through the Alliance, they think that the registration serves as some form of certification and they run their classes in line with the recommendations of the alliance. What a large majority of the yoga community doesn’t realize is that the Yoga Alliance is just an online directory and not a recognized certifying body.They’re basically an online registry that provides an outline of what a teacher training program needs to have inside of it so that teacher training schools can build their syllabuses around it before registering their schools in the registry. Once the alliance approves a yoga school, the schools’ students can also register with the alliance to become a registered yoga teacher, and have the title “RYT” behind their names.They play an important role in creating some kind of standard in the indu