Yoga Entrepreneur Secrets

The Last Episode Of Yoga Entrepreneur Secrets And The Birth Of The Awakened Life Podcast



In this episode, we say goodbye to Yoga Entrepreneur Secrets and hello to our new podcast The Awakened Life Podcast. This is an exciting opportunity to grow in our teachings and guide you in your healing journey on and off the mat.Just like many other businesses, coronavirus crumbled our in-studio business. Almost overnight we lost 50% of our revenue. In a time filled with uncertainty and crippling anxiety, practicing yoga is more important than ever. We decided to continue our teaching and be an outlet for our followers during this time. We recorded online videos and brought yoga to you all virtually.The new perspective gave us an opportunity to think about the practice. Yoga is more than stress relief on the mat, it should carry over into your work life and into your personal life. That’s why we have decided to start a new podcast with an improved message. The Awakened Life Podcast will focus on achieving all of the pillars of the practice and how to live with more passion in life.Nothing changes about how