Yoga Entrepreneur Secrets

Security Is An Illusion - Make A Living Doing What You Love



Did you know that 85% of full-time employees in the world are unsatisfied with their job? As astonishing as it sounds, this is the reality. This translates to about one billion people. These people don’t love the jobs they go to each morning.The majority of us think we have to work on a job we hate to make money so that then we can do what we love. Why not go straight into what you love doing? You may be tempted to answer that it is the job and financial security you are looking for, but this is a mind construct. Security is an illusion. The COVID pandemic has wiped off millions of jobs that were previously considered ‘secure’ just as it happened with the depression in 2008.The time to move in the direction of what you love doing is now. The Awakened Life Formula helps us with this. We get up each morning, move our bodies then sit still and meditate. This sets our mindset in the morning and helps us know exactly what we want, where we are going, and what we need to do to get there.Listen in to this episode to