Street Epistemology

Ep 412: Dialogue | Anthony Magnabosco | Kevin | Inquisition (Agnostic Atheist Gets Cross)



Summary: Kevin is an inquisitive former Catholic who still wears a cross despite identifying as an agnostic atheist. We cover a variety of interesting topics including certainty, openness, free will, and aspects of morality. I'm half-jokingly sub-titling this an "inquisition" because of the rapid-fire questions and constant interruptions that permeate our talk. Kevin is a very bright and confident individual with good dialogue skills that will most likely improve quickly. Thank you, Kevin, for making me think over both of our talks. Can an open-minded person be sure there is no God? Can a person who's sure there's no God still be open-minded? in·qui·si·tion /ˌinkwiˈziSH(ə)n/ noun 1. a period of prolonged and intensive questioning or investigation. Thanks to The Conru Foundation for supporting Street Epistemology International. Continue the discussion: Location: San Antonio, Texas Recorded: 20 September 2019 Released: 15 October 2020 Twitter: