Kelly's Talkshow

Zodiac series Cancer 星座系列之巨蟹座



Happy birthday, Nick! 生日快乐,Nick。Thanks! You remember it's my birthday! 谢谢你记得我生日!Yeah. I'm good with birthdays. You know, I'm also a Cancer. 对啊。我很会记生日的。而且,你知道吗,我也是巨蟹座。So, two Cancers. That explains why we hit it off right away and work so well together.啊,我们两都是巨蟹座。怪不得我们很投缘、而且配合得这么好。But I've also heard people say that you don't necessarily get along with those who share the same zodiac as you. I'm glad that's not the case in our situation.但是我也听说同样星座的人不一定合得来。还好我们不是这种情况。Me too. To be honest, you don't strike me as a Cancer. And to the same extent, I don't even think I'm that representative of a Cancer either.就是。老实说,我不觉得你很像巨蟹座。同样程度,我也不觉得我自己是很典型的巨蟹。In what ways?怎么说?They say a Cancer is emotional, pessimistic, and clingy. I don't think that's true of me at all!人家说巨蟹座的人很情绪化、悲观、又爱粘人。我根本不是这个样子的!Um, you're right. That's totally not me either. But I do think I have some of the other traits such as creativity, loyalty and generosity.嗯,对。我也完全不是这样的。不过我觉得自己还是有些巨蟹特点的,比如有创意、对人忠诚、然后大方。Yes, all the good traits are so true.对,这些优点都
