Instructional Designers In Offices Drinking Coffee

Psychology, Design and eLearning: With Special Guest Connie Malamed



This week Instructional Designers In Offices Drinking Coffee brings on special guest Connie Malamed. The three will talk about visual design and creativity as well as the psychology around eLearning, as presented in her two books: Visual Design Solutions and Visual Language for Designers. This session speaks volumes about the importance of psychology in design, and the roles those in an L&D team have in order to target a learning audience in the most effective way. Connie Malamed is a learning experience design consultant with Connie Malamed Consulting and publisher of The eLearning Coach website and podcast. Connie is an author, speaker and workshop facilitator in the fields of learning experience design, design thinking, and visual communication. She has helped nonprofit, government, and corporate clients improve performance by creating meaningful learning experiences for more than 20 years. She was honoured with the Guild Master award for 2018. Check out Connie on LinkedIn. Check out a few of these awe