Verbal Diorama




Before we start, a trigger warning.Scream is unfortunately inspired by some gruesome, horrific true crime events which are mentioned briefly in this episode. Although I don't go into details, I do mention violence and sexual assault, so if you'd rather not hear this part of the story, please skip the following times 15:54-17:53. I do mention a warning before it starts too. The section lasts just under two minutes.Full disclosure - I had not seen Scream until watching it for this episode. I had seen clips, such as Drew Barrymore's phone call scene, but nothing else. It's safe to say that clip stuck with me, and ever since I was frightened to watch it. But watch it I have! Hear what I think of it in the episode! Viewers' love of watching people being (fictionally) killed is certainly not limited to 20th/21st century horror movies, but undoubtedly Scream's biggest claim to fame is the fact it's credited with reviving the dead (excuse the pun!) slasher genre. There was another that came before it though, somethin