Death Saving Bros - An Actual Play 5e Dungeons & Dragons Podcast

Ep. 21 - The Steelglade Gala



The Steelglade gala is upon us. Our adventurers are ready to masquerade. But will they finally unmask the mastermind behind the troubles in Saltmine Valley? Join Ambienitus and Brixeus Hammerbottom (Brad Richards and Ben Renfro), Dosh Johnson (Matt Smith), Jecht Liketheplane (Brad Renfro), and Prothian Graymane (Eric Nemeth) as they continue their adventures in Ralvaria, led by Dungeon Master Paul Camper. Catch up on previous episodes at Follow us on Twitter and other social media @DeathSavingBros or visit our website. The songs "Arroz con Pollo," "Bushwick Tarantella," "Sardana," and "Wepa" are by Kevin MacLeod at; the song "Shimmering Lights" is by Punch Deck. All above listed songs are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0. The Death Saving Bros theme song is an abridged version of the track "Run" by Kai Engel from The Free Music Archive. It is used with permission under Creative Commons At