Delight Your Marriage

264-When to Share Hard Things With Your Spouse



I'd like to give you a view of communication that isn't repressing feelings but also isn't open with all of them, at least not all at once. And when you are open slowly, you are in a way that encourages the good rather than discouraging everything. I think in our fast-paced society nowadays, we feel this inappropriate pressure to share all the feelings we have about a topic (sex is a big one!) with our spouse because we need to get that checked off of our mental burden list. Or we need to finally unload or get it off our chest. So we pile on all these painful complaints, criticisms, and unacknowledged feelings all at once. And it causes huge divisions between partners and can take years to heal, if at all. My encouragement in today's podcast is to think of your relationship not as a 30-minute conversation but as a 90-year conversation. There is no need to address everything right now. There is a need to be respectful, kind, gentle, grateful, and loving in all your communication with your spouse. When that is