Reiki Nomad

5 Ideals for 21st Century



The first in a series of 10 podcasts exploring the question: What is Reiki? Discussion of Mikao Usui's 5 Ideals (the secret art of inviting happiness), reveals the philosophical heart of Reiki practice. Exploration continues as the 5 Ideals are updated for current understanding of creating affirmations that truly work as intended. This series is intended to help those who have questions about Reiki to find the answers they seek. Potential clients who want to have a better idea of what Reiki means will probably find this series useful--especially if you want to select the best Reiki practitioner for you and have no idea what to look for or ask. Potential Reiki students will probably also find this podcast useful. The episodes clarify information so those asking if it is time to commitment to becoming a practitioner might have a better idea of what they would be committing to. In addition, practitioners may find revisiting the fundamentals helpful.