Shares For Beginners

Tony Kynaston - Quality at Value



Tony Kynaston is a former senior executive of companies like Coles and Shell. He started investing in the stock market 30 years ago and developed a simple checklist methodology (by studying people like Warren Buffett) that allowed him to retire from his corporate career at age 43 and become a professional investor. And he’s done pretty well since then. The average return on his portfolio over the last 20 years has been 19.5% per annum – double the ASX index. QAV stands for QUALITY AT VALUE. Tony's approach is to use a checklist to find companies that are performing well (quality) but which can also be bought at a discount (value). It's basically what is usually called "value investing".More info at is the best portfolio tracking tool in the known universe - and they are pleased to extend a SPECIAL OFFER to listeners of this podcast: Save 4 months on an annual premium plan! Click here and sign up now for a 7 day free trial.Shares for Beginners is for i