Obstacle Course

Eco Psychology and Finding your Refuge



That glorious running scene in Last of the Mohicans. Born to Run book. So good. Strava! The number one app for runners/cyclists/podcasters. I stand corrected. Wet rocks is a thing. Here is Jason's episode if you haven't listened to it yet. THE RACE!! Robyn's incredble second place finish at the 1994 Commonwealth Games in Victoria. Fast forward to 13min to see the final lap! :) See, she's smiling!!! Robyn is an Openist. Resistance brings suffering so its best to embrace what is and then from there, work to change those things in your power to change. If you or someone you know are currently struggling to find your safe place, Robyn can help! She runs her own private practice offering life saving therapy for all of us! If you're looking for an inspiring coach or presenter for your next event, Robyn and her partner Jason Dorland, are fantastic!