Obstacle Course

Quieting the Mind through Human Connection



Bob's Website! Bob's TED Talk. **Intro: ** Maeve! Our first interview! Episode 2. I just re-listened to it expecting to cringe. It holds up quite well. :) Bo is super famous and we love him. Hopefully he listens to this episode and contacts us. We expect he will. Andrew’s Company is THE Company around town. The Royal family is in England. For the record. Who are the Kardashians? We are a pretty good time for lunch and we’re not famous so… buy us a burrito and maybe you can come on our show. Let’s keep this brief. Brevity does not mean courage. That said, John’s braveness in attempting to use the word was adorable. Episode Notes “We objectify people by seeing them as a vehicle, obstacle or simply of no relevance.” Bob saw us as none of these things which is why he was willing to grab lunch with us. Bob thought it was the end of the world… and it wasn’t. “Resilience is getting back up after you get knocked down and realizing everybody gets knocked down and sometimes we need to take turns helping each other