Obstacle Course

Black Lives Matter



A huge thanks to Club Kwench for hosting us! If you missed the Victoria BLM Rally, it was an incredible event. Our guests today are none other than the great Pamphinette Buisa, Vanessa Simon and Asiyah Robinson. We stand with them. "We will never understand but we will stand with you."Isolation is at the heart of racism. Until we are equal, we will be separated. We all need and deserve a place to belong.Confidence comes from a place of belief and truth deep within.Vulnerability is crucial in being able to share your voice.Dave Chappelle's post George Floyd tribute is powerful. "I didn't have to speak up because the streets were crying out."Not racist is not a thing. You're either racist or anti-racist. Part of the problem or part of the solution. Check out Ibram Kendi's amazing book on "How To Be An Anti Racist."Being not racist is NOT enough. Be Anti-Racist.Canada is just like everywhere else. Racism is alive and not well.For more information on micro-aggressionsApologizing and being polite can be an obstacl