Obstacle Course

Finding Ben Kilmer: Part Three



This is the final part of our three part conversation on what happened to Ben Kilmer. In this final episode, we discuss how Tonya was able to endure  this traumatic time and we also discuss prevention. You can and should listen to Heather McLeod's excellent episode here. She shares openly her process of grief after losing her 38 yr old husband, Brock, to cancer. It's one of our top downloaded episodes of all time for a reason.We all have a fail safe to get through life's traumas.  Kelly McGonical writes and speaks extensively on stress, how to manage it and how it can be a good thing. Spirituality tends to come up in most of our episodes. Although, Andrew and John are not religious (John was a Christian Pastor for decades and discusses his loss of faith in his episode) they are both very spiritual and find their connection through time spent in nature.  Spirituality can be transformative in times of trauma and stress but can also be a crutch if leaned on permanently. "I had to find against depression every si