We Are Photographers

Elena S. Blair - Intuition & Opportunity



Elena S. Blair is a Seattle-based photographer, mother of three, and owns a thriving lifestyle family and newborn photography business. She is also passionate about building community and encouraging other photographers to find depth and purpose in their work and business through both online and in-person education.  In this episode, Elena and I talk about her photography and life journey over the past eleven years since she followed her intuition and against all logic bought a camera with insurance money after her house was broken into. We explore how she’s boldly turned traumatic life experiences into opportunity. Hear how being vulnerable allowed her to build a community and give people a space to express and share their own struggles. Find out where Elena repeatedly heard the phrase as a child, ‘Be careful what you wish for.’ You’ll learn why an abundance mindset isn’t just about money.This is We Are Photographers with Elena S. Blair and this is her story.