No Barriers

Pioneer Through the Pandemic with Professor and Innovator, Dr. Hugh Herr - Extended Version



For our fourth episode of our Alchemy Series, sponsored by Wells Fargo and Prudential, there is no greater example of harnessing adversity than No Barriers co-founder, Hugh Herr. In his early 20s, Hugh had both of his legs amputated after a tragic mountain climbing accident. An avid rock-climber, he was determined to return to the sport. Hugh created new iterations of prosthetic limbs for legs and feet he could use to climb even better than before. Watch some of his videos in the resources below to see his technology in action. Inspired by his own self-improvement through tech he set out to change the world for others. Now, Hugh heads the Biomechatronics group at the MIT Media Lab, where his team is creating bionic limbs that emulate the function of natural limbs; providing greater mobility and new hope to those with physical disabilities. He is the author and co-author of more than 150 peer-reviewed papers and patents, chronicling the science and technology behind his many innovations. These publications spa