No Barriers

Examining Collective Grief with Pastor and Author, Nadia Bolz-Weber - Extended Version



On this episode of our Alchemy Series, sponsored by Wells Fargo and Prudential we speak with Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber.Nadia was our most popular guest to date was one of our first when we began our podcast in 2018. We knew we had plenty to catch up on and that Nadia would be a perfect guest to offer guidance during these confusing times of COVID-19. An ordained Lutheran Pastor, Nadia is not your typical faith leader. She often writes and speaks about personal failings, recovery, grace, faith, and really whatever the hell else she wants to. As she puts it, she always “sits in the corner with the other weirdoes.” She served as the founding pastor of the House for All Sinners & Saints in Denver, CO and is the author of three NYT bestselling memoirs: Pastrix; The Cranky, Beautiful Faith Of A Sinner & Saint (2013), Accidental Saints; Finding God In All The Wrong People (2015) and SHAMELESS; A Sexual Reformation (2019). Shameless was written as a challenge to the antiquated ideas our society views sex, gende